Our Team
Paul W. Gustavson, M.O.B.
Paul is a leading organizational design architect specializing in strategy making, the design of high performance work systems, change management and knowledge management. In the early 70's, he began an in-depth study of high performance teams and the systemic design of high commitment work systems.
Since 1992, Paul has served as a Marriott School of Management's MOB Advisory Board member and as its Chair for 8 years. In April, 1999, he received the Marriott School of Management's William G. Dyer Distinguished Alumni Award for his contribution in the field of change management, strategy, organization design, and knowledge management. In 1999, he was selected as a member of Work in America's National Advisory Council focusing on identifying best practices in creating and sustaining high-performance teams and work cultures.
Prior to establishing OPD, Inc. in 1984 Paul held management and internal consulting positions for Standard Oil of Indiana, Zilog and Cygnet Technologies Inc. in the energy and high technology industries. He has more than twenty-five years of organization design consulting experience both as an internal and an external consultant.
President, Founder and Owner of Organization Planning & Design, Inc.
Since founding OPD, Inc. in 1984, Paul's consulting experience has included work in the area of strategy, organization design, knowledge management, team development and change management at a number of companies, including American Express, Advanta, American Transtech, Amoco, AT&T Capital Corp., Amerada Hess, BP, BHP of Australia, Bristol Myers Squibb, Cherokee Nation, Colgate Palmolive, Deere Financial Services, Exxon, GE. InTek, Pennzoil, Pitney Bowes, National Semiconductor, Veterans Administration and Zilog. Paul has worked nationally and internationally in a number of industries, including automotive, steel, oil, chemicals, electronics, financial services, leasing, aerospace, transportation and government. Paul specializes in helping clients to align strategically with key factors in their environment and aligning the design choices an organization makes with culture necessary to achieve the desired outcomes of that organization.
Over the years, Paul has been privileged to work with clients who have been recognized nationally for innovative organizational design. The Veteran's Administration, for example, was the first winner of the Al Gore Hammer Award for reinventing government and a recent recipient of the prestigious PILLAR award. Colgate's Hill's Pet Nutrition facility in Richmond, Indiana has won many national awards as a start-up plant for innovative work design. Several of Paul's clients, including I/N Tek, American Transtech, the Geon Company, AT&T Credit Corp., and Veterans Administration have been featured on Work in America's national tour of outstanding organizations. The work at Amerada Hess received the 2000 Computerworld Smithsonian Award "A Search for New Heroes".
Paul's work has been featured in several periodicals, including Business Week, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Fast Company and Fortune magazine. Paul's work has also been featured in Peter Senge's The Fifth Discipline Handbook; Hammer & Champy's Reengineering the Corporation, Hammer's Beyond Reengineering, Champy's Reengineering Management, Robert Mile's Corporate Comeback, Donald Davis' Managing Technological Innovation, Butera and Thurman's Automation and Work Design, Katzenbach & Smith's The Wisdom of Teams, Katzenbach's Peak Performance: Aligning the Hearts and Minds of your Employees, Ned Herrmann's The Whole Brain Business Book and Wenger, McDermott and Snyder's Cultivating Communities of Practice. The Fast Company Magazine, October 1999 Issue, featured an article titled, "Engines of Democracy" about GE's highest performing jet engine plant of which Paul was involved in its initial design work. The Government Executive July 2002 featured in its cover story article Paul's award winning work with Stew Liff in "You can manage your way out, it not just the system its you". The IEE Engineering Management April 2003 magazine featured Paul's work with ZiLOG in significantly reducing their product development cycle time by 40% year after year in the article "Product Development as a Competitive Advantage".
Paul holds a Master of Organizational Behavior from Brigham Young University Marriott School of Management.
Shane R. Cragun, M.B.A.
Shane has particular expertise in leading organizational transformation projects. He diligently works with clients to deliver extraordinary business results through changes in organizational focus, process and systems design, structural realignment, and culture.
Shane has consulted with organizations ranging from the Fortune 500 to those with fewer than 1000 employees. He has worked across diverse industries such as high technology, oil and gas, government, and manufacturing. He has had executive line management responsibilities, having served in VP, GM, and Practice Leader roles in the training and consulting industry.
Professional Accomplishments:
- Business Transformation and Redesign - Shane has experience in leading and managing large-scale organizational change projects. These engagements have occurred at the corporate, division, and plant levels and are launched when quantum change is expected. He diagnoses the root causes behind current performance, and then works with teams to craft elegant, holistic, yet practical solutions that drive the desired business results and close the performance gap
- Change and Transition Management - Solutions aren't complete until they are implemented well and produce lasting, real results. This is unlikely without the buy-in, ownership, and commitment of executives and employees. Shane uses a wide range of strategies and tools to ensure employees hearts, hands, and energies support the change. He has also authored a "Leading Organizational Change" workshop that transfers this capability to leaders.
- Corporate Leadership Agenda - Shane works with executive teams to identify and unify their leadership agenda, create pragmatic strategic business plans, and determine key performance improvement issues and targets. His strategy includes helping companies drive and align their executive agenda throughout the organization and ensure employees understand the behavior standards expected of them. He works with teams to create clear executive scorecards and shared business metrics.
Shane holds a Master of Business Administration, Brigham Young University Marriott School of Management.
R. Kendall Lyman, M.B.A.
Kendall has expertise in managing large-scale organization change projects, facilitating strategic planning sessions with senior leadership groups, managing teams to diagnose competitive positions and organizational issues, reengineering key business processes and functions, and coaching executives about personal and organizational effectiveness.
- He has served as a Practice Leader for Franklin Covey, directing the efforts of 25 consultants with expertise in organizational assessment, change management, leadership development, and strategic planning.
- Managed a leadership initiative in an Army headquarters that created a high-performance culture by improving accountability, decision-making, communication, and business operations. Managed quick-hit and long-term teams that produced productivity savings of $1.5 million per year.
- Coached senior leadership and coordinated multiple design teams' recommendations to improve operations in one of the largest cable manufacturers in the United States.
- Designed an effective maintenance process for a large refining plant. Eliminated misalignments, which resulted in production and maintenance working together to reduce costs and maintain the base asset.
- Developed strategy, designed a more aligned and effective organization, and implemented change for a $1.6 billion manufacturing company.
- Redesigned operations for a postal operation within the Navy. This facility was later awarded the GSA Federal Mail Center of Excellence Award as part of the Federal Mail Best Practices Awards program.
- Determined future strategy and redesigned a $2.1 billion transportation company to be more competitive in its industry. Efficiency improvements amounted to $30 million.
- Creator of the Strategy Clarification Handbook-an in-depth analysis of company strategies.
- Co-Author of The Business Strategy Audit: A Company Self-Assessment.
Kendall holds a Master of Business Administration from Brigham Young University Marriott School of Management.
Kyle Smith, M.B.A.
Kyle founded RedWind in September 1999. He has 20 years experience in business planning, procurement, accounting, and administrative work systems. His major area of focus is in the redesign, development and management of high performance work systems for tribal, manufacturing, government and service sectors. He has led and facilitated multiple teams in organizational redesign, business process redesign, and project implementation, including the installation of enterprise-wide information systems and shared service organizations.
- Kyle directed a two-year transformational effort with the second largest Indian Nation ($200 million annual budget, 1700 employees). He realigned the organizational systems and managed the redesign process for health, housing, education, and human services. Kyle initiated a knowledge and social capital project for the further development of Native communities. The project was a Ford Foundation/First Nation Development Institute award winner.
- Kyle worked with a $175 billion Exploration and Production Company to assess organizational systems on board a newly commissioned $500 million deep-water drill ship and supported the development for a leading consumer products organization service level agreement for redesigned IT organization.
- Kyle co-led the implementation of shared service organization for Exploration and Production Company by realigning seven enabling processes and two core processes. Design tools utilized included customer value analysis, business process reengineering, wealth creation models, knowledge capital identification, and the development of service level agreements. Reengineering efforts resulted in fourth to first quartile performance improvement. The project was a 2000 Smithsonian Award winner.
Kyle received his Master of Business Administration from the University of Rochester.
Mark Rhodes, Ph.D.
Mark's expertise spans business strategy, strategic decision making, and organizational design and change management. His consulting work includes advising leaders and teams on the design of innovative work systems, as well as the development and implementation of organizational measurement systems. His experience spans service, manufacturing, government, and tribal sectors.
Mark's distinctive approach includes using a set of strategic thinking tools and templates useful in determining strategic direction and aligning organizational capabilities with mission, principles and strategy. His Strategic Thinking workshop draws from the realms of social psychology, organizational theory and world history to create a unique and inspiring experience for corporate and institutional leaders. In recent years, Mark has developed web-based training and coaching in the art and practice of strategic decision making.
He has contributed to the field though his innovative work on Customer Value Analysis and Employee Engagement. In particular, he has advised several clients on the use of multivariate statistics to determine importance weights, gleaning the true priorities for improvement out of data on customer and employee feedback.
Mark received a Ph.D. in Social Psychology & Organizational Behavior from Harvard University in 1986. He also holds Psychology degrees from Furman University and Wake Forest University. At Harvard, Mark studied with Robert Bales, one of the forefathers of the study of work teams and group facilitation. He now teaches Organizational Behavior at Furman University on an adjunct basis.
William M. Snyder, Ph.D.
William M. Snyder is an internationally known expert in the fields of Knowledge Management, specializing in building Communities of Practice (CoP's) to enable members of large organizations extend learning across organizational boundaries. Bill is the founder of Social Capital Group, a research-consulting group that helps civic leaders organize community-based approaches to social and economic development. He is a co-founder (with Etienne Wenger) of CPsquare, a cross-organizational, cross-sector community of practice on communities of practice.
Bill has consulted for twenty years on large-scale organizational change efforts in the private and public sectors, and worked at McKinsey & Company on strategic knowledge initiatives for the firm and its clients. His work focuses on community-of-practice applications in the civic domain-both within cities and across cities at national and international levels.
Bill's publications include: "Communities of Practice: The Organizational Frontier" (Harvard Business Review, 2000, with E. Wenger); Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge (Harvard Business School Press, 2002, with E. Wenger and R. McDermott); "Communities of Practice: A New Tool for Managers," (IBM Foundation for the Business of Government, 2003, with X. Briggs); "Our World as a Learning System," (in Create a Learning Culture: Strategy, Practice, and Technology, 2004, with E. Wenger)
Bill holds A.B. and Ed.M. degrees from Harvard and a Ph.D. in Business Administration (Organization Theory) from the University of Southern California.
Carlene Reinhart, Ed.D.
Carlene joined OPD in 1992. She has over 25 years experience in the design of learning and performance support systems, performance consulting, the development of performance and competency models, and helping to link performance to their strategic goals. Carlene came to OPD after 14 years with Xerox Corporation where she managed both US and international training support organizations.
Carlene received her Ed.D. in Human Resource Development from the George Washington University. Carlene is the author of Effective Human Resource Development, Jossy Bass, 1986, "No More Sheep Dipping," Training and Development, March 1997, and was the 1991 recipient of the prestigious ASTD Gordon Bliss award.
Alyson Von Feldt
Alyson has worked on organizational designs in both the profit and non-project sectors for such enterprises as Colgate-Palmolive, AT&T Capital, National Semiconductor, the Veterans' Administration, MidAmerican Energy, Hallmark, BP, People to People, and the Cherokee Nation. She specializes in organizational design. She also writes and customizes design materials for individual organizations. She has a master's in organizational behavior.
Alyson has worked on organizational designs in both the profit and non-project sectors for such enterprises as Colgate-Palmolive, AT&T Capital, National Semiconductor, the Veterans' Administration, MidAmerican Energy, Hallmark, BP, People to People, and the Cherokee Nation. She specializes in organizational design and is currently researching the relationship of culture to organizational alignment and performance. A published author, she also writes and customizes design materials for individual organizations. She has a master's in organizational behavior.
Kris Anne Gustavson
Kris Anne specializes in teaching leaders and members of organizations how to recognize and build on their learning preferences. She taught all the new members and leaders of the I/N Tek (Inland Steel & Nippon Steel joint venture) and Colgate-Palmolive's Hill's Richmond plant about how to capitalize on their learning capabilities. Kris Anne has been with the firm since 1984.